Wednesday 27 March 2024

Book Record - The Secret History of the World by Jonathan Black.

Paperback, 575 pages, 10/10.

"The Secret History of the World" by Jonathan Black delves into alternative belief systems within ancient paganism and mystical Christianity, exploring hidden traditions and the influence of secret societies like Freemasons and Rosicrucians. 

The book presents a narrative where humanity's connection with spirits and deities diminishes over time, leading to a reliance on scientific methods for understanding creation. 

Despite its ambitious scope, the book has faced mixed reviews. While some praise its originality and mind-boggling content, others criticise its lack of substantial documentation and hazy sources. 

I found the book intriguing yet challenging due to its complex narrative and mystical themes. Overall, "The Secret History of the World" offers a unique perspective on history and spirituality, blending esoteric beliefs with historical events to create a thought-provoking read.

The main thesis revolves around the idea that humanity's origins are deeply intertwined with the spirit world. 

The book explores how ancient mystery schools, such as the Freemasons and Rosicrucians, passed down esoteric knowledge that connected humans with spirits and deities. It suggests that over time, humanity lost its direct connection with the spirit world, leading to a reliance on scientific methods for understanding existence. 

Booth's narrative delves into the shift from a world where spirits were as real as the material world to our current state where belief in disembodied spirits is challenging. The book emphasises the importance of recognizing the irrational elements in life and challenges orthodox religious teachings that prioritize blind belief over experiential knowledge of the spirit realms.

Imagination is the key…

Tuesday 26 March 2024

The Impact of Baseless Opinions on Society.

In every society, there exist individuals who are prone to speaking without substance, offering opinions that lack credibility or validity. These individuals often believe their opinions hold weight and significance, despite lacking any factual basis or merit. While everyone is entitled to their own opinions, the issue arises when these opinions are baseless, misleading, or outright false. This phenomenon of people talking complete and utter rubbish while assuming their opinions matter can have detrimental effects on both individuals and society as a whole.

The Nature of Baseless Opinions.

Opinions are an integral part of human interaction and discourse. They allow individuals to express their thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives on various matters. However, when opinions are not grounded in facts, evidence, or rational thinking, they lose their value and credibility. People who consistently talk rubbish often fail to engage in critical thinking, research, or analysis before expressing their views. This lack of intellectual rigor can lead to the spread of misinformation, confusion, and misunderstanding.

The Impact on Society.

When individuals who talk rubbish believe their opinions hold weight, they may influence others who are less discerning or critical in their thinking. This can lead to the perpetuation of false beliefs, conspiracy theories, and harmful ideologies. In a society where baseless opinions are given undue importance, critical discourse suffers, and misinformation thrives. This can have far-reaching consequences on public policy, social norms, and individual decision-making.

Addressing the Issue.

To combat the spread of baseless opinions and misinformation, it is essential for individuals to cultivate critical thinking skills, fact-check information before sharing it, and engage in respectful dialogue with those who hold differing views. Encouraging a culture of intellectual humility, where individuals are open to revising their opinions based on new evidence or perspectives, can also help mitigate the impact of rubbish talkers.

Furthermore, promoting media literacy and teaching individuals how to discern credible sources from unreliable ones can empower people to make informed decisions and resist the influence of those who peddle falsehoods. By fostering a society that values evidence-based reasoning and respectful debate, we can create a more informed and intellectually honest public discourse.

In conclusion, while everyone is entitled to their opinions, it is crucial to distinguish between opinions that are based on facts and those that are mere rubbish. Individuals who consistently talk nonsense without regard for truth or accuracy undermine the quality of public discourse and contribute to the spread of misinformation. By promoting critical thinking, intellectual humility, and media literacy, we can combat the influence of rubbish talkers and foster a more informed and rational society.

James Hind Tit for Tat

The Complex Character of James Hind - A Fictional Satanist.

Following my posting of my blog exposing satanist James Hind, tit for tat follows in which he posts misinformation.

The Danger of Slander and Libel in the Digital Age.

In today's interconnected world, the ease of hiding behind a fake persona has amplified the risks associated with slander and libel. These forms of defamation can have severe consequences on an individual's reputation, livelihood, and overall well-being. When individuals choose to spread false information or malicious rumours while concealing their true identity, they not only evade accountability but also deny the victim the opportunity to seek legal recourse effectively.

The Power of Anonymity.

The anonymity provided by the internet and social media platforms has made it effortless for individuals to create fake personas and spread misinformation without fear of immediate consequences. This cloak of anonymity emboldens people to engage in harmful behaviour they might not otherwise consider if their true identity were known. The lack of accountability encourages reckless actions that can have lasting repercussions on the lives of those targeted by false allegations.

Impact on Reputation and Well-being.

Slander and libel can tarnish a person's reputation irreparably. False accusations, when circulated widely online, can quickly gain traction and become ingrained in public perception. The damage caused by such defamation can extend beyond personal relationships to affect professional opportunities, financial stability, and mental health. Victims of slander and libel often experience stress, anxiety, and a sense of powerlessness as they struggle to combat falsehoods propagated by anonymous individuals.

Importance of Accountability.

When individuals make defamatory statements while hiding behind a fake persona, they evade accountability for their actions. By concealing their true identity, these individuals shield themselves from legal repercussions and deny the victim the ability to seek justice through established legal channels. If one is truly convinced of the validity of their claims, they should have the courage to stand by their words using their real name, allowing the accused party the opportunity to defend themselves and pursue legal remedies if necessary.

Seeking Recourse Through Legal Channels.

In cases where slander or libel occurs, it is essential for the victim to have the option of seeking recourse through the legal system. By using real names when making allegations or accusations, individuals can be held accountable for their words and actions. This accountability not only deters malicious behaviour but also ensures that those who have been wronged have a means to defend their reputation and seek redress for any damages incurred.

In conclusion, the ease with which individuals can engage in slander and libel while hiding behind fake personas poses significant risks in today's digital age. It is crucial for individuals to recognize the impact of their words and actions on others' lives and to take responsibility for what they allege by using their real names. By promoting accountability and providing avenues for legal recourse, we can mitigate the harmful effects of defamation and uphold integrity in our interactions both online and offline.

Monday 25 March 2024

Its not about taking a Moralistic Position, its about Human Decency.

When someone expresses willingness to harm children and the injured, regardless of their pleas for mercy, it is not about adopting a moralistic stance. The shocking revelation of such beliefs, especially from an individual claiming to be a child advocate, goes beyond moral considerations. Advocacy for children involves empowering them, upholding their rights, and ensuring their voices are heard in decision-making processes. 

It is fundamentally about promoting policies that protect children's well-being and rights, not condoning harm or violence. The role of a child advocate is to represent the wishes and feelings of children, ensuring fair treatment, legal rights, and providing support. 

Advocates should act in the best interests of children, maintaining independence and prioritizing the views and needs of the child or young person they represent. 

Therefore, advocating for children entails promoting their rights, well-being, and safety, which starkly contrasts with any notion of endorsing harm or violence against them.

Sunday 24 March 2024

Proof James Hind talks complete and utter bullshit.

I'm not easily shocked but...


Satanist James Hind's statement that he will kill ISIS children and the injured, regardless of how much they beg for mercy is very very very disturbing.

I'm not easily shocked, but I'm shocked by this statement.

Especially as it comes from someone who proclaims to be a child advocate. 

To kill any child under any conditions is abhorrent. 

And to kill an injured child, no matter how much they beg for mercy is evil beyond the extreme.

I am stunned... Shocked and rattled...

In fact it's fair to say, I'm scared.

I'm scared of James Hind.

Friday 22 March 2024

I've got an urge to rip James Hind’s head off.

As usual, the Satanic paedophile loves to bring children into the equation...

Satanic Extremism at its best.

I am furious that the Satanic paedophile freak, identifying himself as James Hind, is allowed to spread these vile lies in public.

Something needs to be done about this.

Thursday 21 March 2024

Take Responsibility my Arse!

A fake name, a fake back story, and we are expected to believe what he claims is true.

Pull the other horn you satanic fool.

The only person who wants sex with children between him and I, is that satanic paedophile freak.

"Passing a file to the CPS."

Freedom of Expression and Defamation in Blogging

In the realm of blogging and online expression, the dynamics of freedom of speech and defamation laws can create a scenario where one person can freely make damaging or untrue statements about another, while the target may face legal repercussions for defending themselves. This situation highlights the complexities and challenges surrounding freedom of expression and defamation in the digital age.

Freedom of Expression:

Online Platforms: The internet provides a vast platform for individuals to express their opinions, share information, and engage in public discourse. Blogging allows for the dissemination of diverse viewpoints and perspectives on various topics.

Protection of Speech: Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right that enables individuals to voice their opinions, criticize authority, and participate in democratic processes. It fosters open dialogue, creativity, and the exchange of ideas.

Anonymity and Pseudonymity: The anonymity or use of pseudonyms online can empower individuals to speak freely without fear of retribution or censorship. This can lead to candid discussions on sensitive issues.

Defamation Laws:

Legal Framework: Defamation laws aim to protect individuals from false statements that harm their reputation. Defamation can take the form of libel (written) or slander (spoken) statements that are untrue and damaging to a person's character.

Balancing Rights: While freedom of expression is essential, it must be balanced with the right to protect one's reputation from malicious or false attacks. Defamation laws seek to strike a balance between these competing interests.

Legal Consequences: Individuals who make defamatory statements online can face legal consequences such as lawsuits for damages, injunctions to remove content, or criminal charges in some jurisdictions.

Disparities in Impact:

Power Dynamics: In cases where one person has a larger platform, audience, or influence than the other, their defamatory statements can have a more significant impact on the target's reputation. This power dynamic can create asymmetrical consequences for those involved.

Legal Vulnerability: The fear of legal repercussions may deter individuals from defending themselves against false accusations or responding to defamatory content online. This asymmetry in legal vulnerability can leave targets feeling powerless and unfairly disadvantaged.

Social Media Amplification: The viral nature of social media can amplify defamatory content rapidly, making it challenging for targets to mitigate the damage caused by false statements. The speed and reach of online communication pose unique challenges in addressing defamation issues.

In conclusion, the interplay between freedom of expression and defamation laws in the context of blogging underscores the need for a nuanced understanding of rights and responsibilities in online communication. While individuals should be able to express themselves freely, they must also be mindful of the potential consequences of their words on others' reputations. Striking a balance between these competing interests is essential for fostering a healthy online environment where dialogue can thrive without causing undue harm to individuals' reputations.

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Right back at you James!

If the paedophile lover James Hind, (not his real name), allegedly from Brighton, is going to spend his life with an obsession to destroy innocence fathers, who challenge satanic extremism, then he can expect to be challenged and brought to task over his own conduct in supporting paedophiles and satanists.

My Resident Stalker Cannot Help Himself.

Brighton based satanic loony, James Hind, (which isn't his real name,) simply cannot help himself from keeping my name out of his dirty perverted mouth.

If only Sussex Police weren't so incompetent, I could envision a future free from the Satanic meddling of this fruitcake.

Keep James Hind (not his real name,) away from children.

"Sussex Police were called to Meridian Way, Peacehaven, at around 11.40pm on Monday, March 18, after the boy told the police he was raped by a man he had met online."

Its a huge concern to the parents of any teenage children living in Peacehaven, that they are meeting adults online, who then go onto be raped.

Its a nightmare of the first degree...

This reminds me of the Brighton based satanist calling himself James Hind, (not his real name,) who admits to pretending to be a 12 year old boy online, and who confesses to sharing very disturbing illegal content of the top level, with children as young as 11 and 12.

Extracts from James Hind's SatanicViews

In the same spirit in which the Satanic Freak calls me a paedophile, predator and a danger to children.

I genuinely believe James Hind is the prime suspect who raped that poor unfortunate teenager in Peacehaven.

Tuesday 19 March 2024

They call me The Brighton Beast

The Mental Impact of Being Labelled "The Brighton Beast"

Being labelled "The Brighton Beast" can have profound mental impacts on an individual, shaping both self-perception and how others perceive them. This label, often associated with strength, power, or even aggression, can influence various aspects of one's life, from self-esteem to social interactions and even career opportunities.

Self-Perception and Identity

When someone is labelled as "The Brighton Beast," it can significantly impact their self-perception. They may internalize this label and start seeing themselves primarily through the lens of this characterization. This can lead to a distorted self-image where they feel pressured to live up to the expectations associated with the label, potentially causing stress and anxiety.

Social Interactions and Relationships

The label "The Brighton Beast" can also affect how others perceive and interact with the individual. People may approach them with preconceived notions of aggression or dominance, which can lead to misunderstandings or even isolation. This can create challenges in forming meaningful relationships and may result in feelings of alienation or being misunderstood.

Career and Opportunities

In a professional setting, being labelled as "The Brighton Beast" can impact career opportunities. While it may initially convey strength or power, it could also lead to being typecast into certain roles or overlooked for positions that require a more nuanced skill set. This label may overshadow other qualities or skills the individual possesses, limiting their potential for growth and advancement.

Coping Strategies

To mitigate the negative mental impacts of such a label, individuals can employ various coping strategies. Seeking support from friends, family, or mental health professionals can provide a safe space to discuss feelings and concerns related to the label. Engaging in activities that promote self-care and self-compassion, such as mindfulness practices or hobbies, can also help maintain a healthy sense of self outside of the label.In conclusion, being labelled "The Brighton Beast" can have significant mental impacts on an individual's self-perception, social interactions, and career opportunities. It is essential for individuals to be aware of these potential effects and to actively work towards maintaining a balanced sense of self-worth and identity beyond the confines of any label imposed upon them.